

The Bishop Adolf Fürstenberg Trustfund

Start rolling the ball now

You can obtain more information from

Father K. Holzamer
Adam-Karrillion-Str. 4
D-69483 Wald-Michelbach
email: kgholzamer(at)me.com

Or contact
Mr. Alois Bauer
The Representative for the Missions of the Diocese of Mainz/Germany
email: weltkirche(at)bistum-mainz.de
0049 6131 253 263

You can endow funds to the diocese in your last will.

You can transfer certain amounts regularly from your bank to the foundation.

You can set up a bursary through the foundation.

Kindly transfer all your contribution to:

PAX Bank, Mainz
Eppichmauergasse 10
D-55116 Mainz, Germany
Adolf Fürstenberg-Stiftung
Account No.:  4003860014
BIC (Swift-Code):   GENODED1PAX
IBAN:  DE37 3706 0193 4003 8600 14

Whatever way you chose, each contribution helps. Thank you and God bless!