
Bye-bye and Welcome

August 12, 2010 by t.matthaei

Our volunteers Carsten and Franziska have left.  They finished their one year mission.

Bye-bye Carsten und Franzi

Bye-bye Carsten und Franzi

Franziska Leidreiter worked in Chalabesa in the Kindergarten and Carsten Schulz worked at the diocesan head-quarters. He was initiating a maintenance schedule for Chilonga Hospital and developping a stock-taking program for the diocesan workshops. Both came under the program “weltwärts” of the German government (more…)

Chalabesa Fathers House Renovated

August 11, 2010 by t.matthaei

The rectory of Chalabesa St. Joseph’s Parish has been successfully renovated.

The Rectory in its new glory

The Rectory in its new glory

The condition of the house was quite bad. The walls needed painting, the ceiling boards had holes, some doors needed replacement, the septic tanks were overflowing and smelly. (more…)

Katibunga OSB Wirtschaftshof

August 11, 2010 by t.matthaei

Der Katibunga Wirtschaftshof nähert sich der Fertigstellung. Alle Gebäude sind jetzt gestrichen, die Fenster eingesetzt, Wasserleitungen verlegt, Stromkabel verlegt usw. Was muß noch gemacht werden? Die Auto-Werkstatt ist noch nicht ganz fertig. Sie mußte ja von Grund auf neu gebaut werden. Das Dach ist nun drauf.

Wirtschafthof seen from the Road

Wirtschafthof seen from the Road


Death of Fr. Pierre Paul Boutin, M. Afr.

July 22, 2010 by p.tembo

The  American Provincial of the Missionaries of Africa; Rev. Fr. Julien Cormier sent a message that Fr. Pierre-Paul Boutin passed into eternal life (more…)

Farewell for Fr. Piet van Heijst, M. Afr.

July 22, 2010 by p.tembo

Fr. Piet van Heijst who has been in Mpika Diocese for over fourty years has been transferred to Ndola Diocese. (more…)

Ordinations at Chinsali

June 21, 2010 by p.tembo

Bishop with 3 Deacons before Mass

Rt. Rev. I. Chama ordained Deacons Anthony Kapembwa, Nathan Mwango and Ronald Kalasani in Chinsali at St. John the Baptist Parish. (more…)