
New Theater and Laboratory at OLH

October 19, 2013 by t.matthaei

Friday 18 October 2013 saw the official opening and handing over of the new Theater and the new Laboratory for Chilonga Mission Hospital (Our Lady’s Hospital). The Minister of Health, Hon. Joseph Kasonde cut the ribbons after the opening ceremony.  Government has spent 850 thousand Kwacha for the construction. Dr. Claude Nsumpi, the Medical

OLH Cultural Dancing Group


The new Lab


Operating table in new Theater


Fr. Ngosa unveiling the plaque

Superintendant of Chilonga Mission Hospital thanked the government and all involved parties and promised that the buildings will go a long way in delivering better health services for Chilonga.

Fr. Chimpali, who represented Archbishop I. Chama, thanked also Lwanga Construction Ltd. for its good workmanship and commended the firm to all present.

After the official ceremony the guests went over to the school of midwifery for this year’s graduation.

Visiting the Bridge of Friendship in Ebringen

October 3, 2013 by t.matthaei

On September 6-8, we visited our long standing friends and trusted partners from the “Bruecke der Freundschaft” in Ebringen. The picture shows us together with Klaus Brachat and Fr. Erwin Rosner, near the grave of Cardinal Bea in Riedboehringen in the Bahr (Black-Forest area in Southern Germany).

We had a very nice time together and spoke about new and exciting projects for our diocese of Mpika. Thanks for the hospitality and continuous support.GermanyVisit13

Lwitikila Golden Jubilee

October 2, 2012 by p.tembo

Exalting God for 50 yrs of Excellence

Ex pupils, parents of the present pupils,  teachers, well wishers and present pupils of Lwitikila Girls’ Secondary School celebrated golden jubilee from 28 to 29 September 2012. The golden jubilee was flagged off by his Excellency, Most Rev. Ignatius Chama on 28 September evening. (more…)

Bishop Ignatius Chama appointed Archbishop of Kasama

January 16, 2012 by p.tembo

On 12 January 2012, His Holiness Benedict XVI  appointed (more…)

Fr. Paul Makasa died

October 15, 2011 by t.matthaei

Fr. Paul Makasa in 1965 as a student in Kachebere

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Fr. Paul Nkula Makasa. He died on Thursday 13 October, in his room in Lwitikila, aged 75 years. (more…)

Our Lady of the Rosary, a new Parish is born

October 11, 2011 by t.matthaei

Bishop Chama establishes the new Parish

The former Chilonga Sub-Parishes of Kalimba and Nabwalya, in the Rift-Valley, were made into a new parish Nabwalya, Our Lady of the Rosary. The event started on Friday 7 October, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. On that day, all the new buildings were blessed by our Bishop Ignatius Chama. (more…)

Borehole at Chalabesa

October 11, 2011 by t.matthaei

Chalabesa Rural Health Center (RHC) had experienced water shortages for already quite some time. The hospital was suffering from it. Water had to be carried from the Lubaleshi River in drums and containers, to be able to look after the patients. They have a windmill alright, but what to do, if there is no wind, not even a breeze?  (more…)

Yusufu Scouts walk to Nabwalya

October 11, 2011 by t.matthaei

On 4 October sixteen Yusufu Scouts started their hike to Nabwalya in the Rift-Valley. It is a hard walk of three days under the hot sun of the valley, always on guard because of the wild animals, such as elephants and buffaloes.

Dead Buffaloe in their path


Ordination to the Priesthood

June 27, 2011 by t.matthaei

Led to the Altar by his Parents

On 4 June 2011 Deacon Alick G. Ngosa was ordained priest in Mulanga Parish by our Bishop I. Chama. Mass was celebrated outside, because there were too many people, who could not fit in the church. Many priests from all parts of the country were present as well. At the beginning of the Mass, the ordinandus was let to the altar by his parents. Fr. Ngosa is originally from Serenje. The Bishop posted the newly ordained father to Ilondola Parish. The lively Mass was followed by a reception in the garden of the presbytery. Food and drinks for the invited guests were served. The occasion was nicely prepared by Mulanga parish through the ordination committee.

The Laying-on of Hands

The Kiss of Peace

Golden Jubilee at Kopa

June 14, 2011 by t.matthaei

On Pentecost Sunday on 12 June 2011, Charles Lwanga Parish at Kopa celebrated its Golden Jubilee.  It was big feast, well prepared by Kopa parish.  Bishop Ignatius Chama presided over the Holy Eucharist. It is a double Pentecost he said. 50 days after Easter the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles and 50 years ago the first Missionaries established Kopa Mission. The four priests coming from the parish were all present:  Fr. Justin Choma, ordained in 1968;  Fr. Daniel Kashimoto ordained in 1990;  Fr. Kingsley Ndawa ordained in 2002 and Fr. Sefelino Chibesa ordained in 2005. Together with a good number of priests and sisters and of course all the faithfull from many centres of St. Charles Lwanga parish Holy Mass was celebrated.

The Stella Girls are dancing
