
Solwezi Diocese

Bishop of Solwezi: The Right Rev. Dr. Alick Banda

“Restoring everything in Christ”

Born on 15th November 1963 in Mufulira. He was ordained Priest on 7th August 1994 in Ndola. Post-graduate studies and doctorate in Church-State Law (Canon Law), in Germany. Personal and confidential Secretary to the late Bishop Dennis H. de Jong, Parish Priest, Sts. Peter and Paul, Chingola, Chancellor of the Catholic Diocese of Ndola. Consecrated as the third Bishop of Solwezi, on 29th July 2007.

Diocesan curia and administration

Residence: Plot No. 109/110 Kyankwankwa Street
P.O.Box 110033 Solwezi

Tel.: 08.821312 – Fax: 08.821428 Bishop’s Secretary
Tel.: 08.821235 Finance Office
Tel.: 08.821278 Caritas Solwezi
Tel./Fax: 08.821918 HBC Office


Bishop’s Office: diocsolwezi{a}yahoo.com
Finance Office: dioceseofsol{a}zamnet.zm

Webstie: http://www.solwezidiocese.org/