
November 2000

Our Diocese

A Newsletter from Mpika Diocese

November / December 2000

Important Dates

15 Dec-8 January2001 Industrial Break – HQ offices, garage, carpentry workshop will close.
15-20 January 2001 Basic Psycho-Social Counselling Course (see below for details) ICL
20-22 March 2001 Chinsali Deanery Meeting Isoka
05-11 March 2001 2nd week of Psycho-Social Counselling ICL


Mulanga parish has been reopened with immediate effect. Fathers Joseph Besa and Telesphore Tafuna have been appointed.
Fr. J. Besa is the priest-in-charge.

Family Life Office

The Diocesan Family Ministries will take their annual ‘leave’ from 1 – 31 December.
This means that all pastoral programmes of serious nature which were to take place during this period have been
cancelled until next year. We apologise for disappointing our co-operating partners-only that we did not
see our leave coming so soon.

Trip to Livingstone Diocese

On 2 October we arrived in the Diocese of Livingstone at their invitation. The purpose was to try and somehow strengthen
their Family Life Ministry and also to help out in preparing the Church for the Diocesan Jubilee of the family.
From 7-14 October seminars and workshops for parents and children, married couples, widows and single parents, priests and
Religious were conducted in all the parishes focusing on the following topics: Skills in preparing couples for marriage blessings;
The role of widows in the family; Communication in families, Role of single parents; Role of the family in Small Christian
Communities; Pressures in marriage; Traditional and Christian Marriage; The Role of priests and Religious in the family;
Traditional values in the family; Marriage Encounter and Family Ministry Teams from all parishes.

Yusufu Scouts

The year has almost come to an end. Our objective this year was to train the leaders on self-reliance, development related
subjects and on how to assist the church in terms of paying timely contributions like registration fees and working in the
parishes, hospitals and rural health centres. In their communities, Yusufu scouts were encouraged to visit the sick and help
the poor materially and offer their services like collect firewood and thatching houses etc for the sick and aged.
Leaders of the Yusufu Scouts have been trained in the following centres (troops): – Ichengelo, Chibaye, Chilonga, St. Andrews’,
Chinsali, Ilondola, Mulilansolo, Nkula, Nsemiwe, Thomashi, Kopa Musumba, Kalilantuntu, Mbala and Mpulungu. Most of these troops
are doing very fine. We are going to make follow-ups next year in the respective troops.
The hike to North Luangwa National Park was taken this year by Mulilansolo Yusufu who enjoyed game viewing and learnt
that animals are not only valued as relish. They have a purpose within themselves, they are important for tourism, for us
and our children. We thank all the people involved in the animation of youth in our diocese. Our sincere hope
is to improve on our weaknesses next year and work together with our fellow youth.

Basic Psycho-Social Counselling Course:

The SSHJM sisters in conjunction with the diocese wish to run an eight weeks course for Counselling. The course comprises
one week of theory followed by six weeks practicals and another week of theory. Invited are all interested Rural Health
Centers and Home-Based Care Teams. Interested parties can call for details 04 370 273 or e-mail us.


Dr. Kanku the new Executive Director of Our Lady’s Hospital in Chilonga. He has been working at the hospital since 27 August 2000.


Steven Grünenwald, our volunteer returned to Germany on 30 November 2000 after serving the diocese for 15 months.
We thank him for his dedicated service and wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

Reburial of Bishop Joesph Dupont (Moto-Moto)

The remains arrive at Lusaka International Airport on Saturday 9 December on their way to Chilubula as their final resting place
through St. Peter’s Catholic Church-Serenje, Mansa Cathedral, Lubwe’s St. Joseph’s Church, Samfya Catholic Church, Chilonga
Catholic Church and Kasama’s Cathedral of St. John the Apostle. In each of these places there will be a vigil and/or memorial
mass celebrated. The reburial mass will take place at 9:00 hours on Friday 15 December 2000 during which the remains will be
interred in the Church, the late famous Bishop built at the turn of the last century.

News from overseas

Fr. Hein (Henry) Ideler passed away on 28 September in the Netherlands aged nearly 79 years. Born on 17 December 1921
he was ordained in May 1947 and came to our diocese in October of the same year. He worked in Katibunga, Mulanga, Ilondola,
Mulilansolo, Chilonga (21 years) and Serenje parishes. He got cerebral malaria in 1983 and was taken home for treatment.
Even though he survived, the malaria had affected his memory irreversibly. He returned to Zambia and worked in Serenje
for about a year but he left the diocese for good in May 1989. Very zealous and hardworking, he was also known as a strict
disciplinarian or “Mpanga yasapa”. May he rest in peace.

Condolences to:

Sister Edith Sokoshi LSMI and her family on the death of her brother who died in Mansa on 25 November 2000 and was buried
on 28 November 2000. May the good Lord strengthen her family and give them courage, grace, peace and guidance in this
trying moment and may his soul rest in peace.


Please remember to collect your mail from your pigeonholes at the headquarters when you pass through.

Please note:

The Catholic Secretariat will be closed for Christmas recess from Friday, 22 December at 12.30 hours and re-open
on Monday 8 January 2001 at 08.00 hours.

All those with E-mail addresses are requested to forward them to the headquarters so that “OurDiocese” can be mailed electronically.

Wishing all our relatives, friends and benefactors

All the Blessings and Joys of the Christmas Season

With Peace and Happiness in the New Year and

Thanking you for your support and encouragement in 2000.