1. Sports Day

Sports Day 2010 1 lap
One of the most exciting day for the girls. This is always held in the first term of each year. Houses compete amongst themselves and the winning houses are always awarded.

Sports Day 2010
2. St. Charles Lwanga
A special day for the school was carefully selected with an intention of teaching pupils to emulate the courage of the young Africans who died for their faith in Uganda.
We hope this feast which is solemnly celebrated each year would enable pupils to live the truth and speak the truth in the midst of the challenges that would come their way.
3. Youth Day
The pupils like many other youths in the world celebrate this day. A variety of activities are presented. It is always encouraging and rejuvenating to see how much energy the youth have.
This is coupled with Miss Youth Variety Show in the evening. A great talent is also exhibited. A similar event, Miss Lwitikila is also done on the 24th of October every year. This helps to build confidence and self-esteem in the girls.

Miss Lwizz 2009
4. Theatre

Theatre at Mpika Boys
The most outstanding activities are competitions in Poetry, Drama, Choral Music and Tradition Dances. This is one of the thrilling activities where pupils express themselves exclusively. It is always encouraging to see how gifted the youth are and also encouraging to remain youthful.

Drama actors
5. Badging Ceremony

Prayer for the leaders
Leadership comes from God and any form of leadership given to anybody at Lwitikila is cherished and celebrated. It is a blessing to be identified as a leader at an earlier stage because more opportunities are opened in life for such an individual.
6. Baptism, First Holy Communion
Baptism, First Holy Communion is always a grace filled moment to witness young ones expressing their faith.