
Government of Saskatchewan Collective Bargaining Agreement

Government of Saskatchewan Collective Bargaining Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

If you`re a resident of Saskatchewan, you might be interested in knowing the details about the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) signed between the government of Saskatchewan and its public sector employees. For those who are unaware, a CBA is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a group of employees, which outlines the terms and conditions of the employment relationship, including wages, benefits, working hours, job security, and more.

In Saskatchewan, the government is the largest employer, with over 40,000 employees in various sectors, including health care, education, justice, and social services. As such, the CBA between the government and its employees is of significant importance, and its contents may affect the lives of thousands of people.

Let`s take a closer look at the key aspects of the Government of Saskatchewan collective bargaining agreement:


The current CBA between the government and its employees was signed in 2018 and is valid for five years, until March 31, 2023. The agreement covers all employees who are part of the Saskatchewan Public Service, excluding those in Crown Corporations.


Under the CBA, public sector employees receive annual wage increases based on a pre-determined formula. From April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, employees received a 0.75% raise, which increased to 1.0% for the next two years, before rising to 1.5% for the final two years of the agreement. These increases are in addition to any merit-based increases that employees may be entitled to.


The Government of Saskatchewan offers a comprehensive benefits package to its employees, which includes health, dental, and vision coverage, life insurance, long-term disability, and sick leave. In addition, employees are entitled to at least three weeks of vacation per year, as well as other forms of leave, including maternity, parental, and compassionate care leave.

Working conditions

The CBA outlines the working conditions for public sector employees, including the maximum number of hours employees can work per week, overtime pay rates, and job security provisions. The agreement also provides for a grievance process that employees can use if they have any conflicts or concerns with their working conditions.


The Government of Saskatchewan collective bargaining agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of the employment relationship between the government and its public sector employees. The CBA provides for a comprehensive benefits package, fair wage increases, and clear working conditions to ensure that employees are treated fairly and have a secure and stable work environment. As the CBA nears its expiration date, it will be interesting to see if any changes or revisions will be made to the agreement.